


– Decomposition & insignificance. Degradation & irrelevance. Disintegration & unimportance.


– Where in my life I am prepared to assert myself?

In general:

In its basic meaning, the worm can stand for the penis. Depending on the gender of the dreamer and his attitude toward sexuality, the worm may be perceived as threatening. Worm stands for sexual and other impulses, which can even reject them as low and suppressed. In a broader sense it may symbolize the past, the new comes, often related to manure.


The invertebrate reptile, which we see in the dream, may indicate our helplessness in a particular case in waking life, because we’re a helpless worm. Or, if the worm eats something, then this dream could point to the conscientious worm that gnaws at us. The worm in dream also can express feelings of ineffectiveness and unimportance (in relation to the dreamer or someone else). If the worm is larger than a man, then this can be close to feelings of inferiority. If the dreamer sees the piles that arises when an earthworm eats soil and excreted, so he has to do with an image of transformation. It shows him that he can change his life and do something more fruitful. It may be that the dream consciousness with this image of sexual desires, which the dreamer is considered immoral and indicating his guilt.


To transfer (hand over) the worms is a metaphor for death. The dreamer should therefore be prepared, that something will occur on the spiritual level and it may soon change.


– Dreaming that you are eating worms: you will get transitional sojourners and collect pension money from them.
– Separate worms from someone through the anus: he will be saved from worry and annoying people.
– Dreaming that you remove worms from wounds: you will be richer.
– To see: you will be experiencing horrible things, you will be exposing yourself by carelessness of an inconvenience;
– Also to see worm in dream: threat of an unpleasant opponent, and one must beware of dishonest people and confidence in own decisions rather on his own intuition, and you must get rid of an onerous problem;
– To see worms in food: you have an enemy;
– To kill worm: you will be freed from an evil.

– General: meaning is not always clear. Sometimes can also be understood as erotic-sexual symbol.
– But the meaning, when worm eaten fruit in dream, is clear: intrigues, evil enemies to harm, risk of infectious diseases;
– To see worm or worms in dream: someone is hurt intentionally or unintentionally; Also: friend or acquaintance is becomimg more unpleasant, possibly that someone undermining your position; Also: strange premonition of a plague, but it still in dark burrows;
– Dreaming that you search worms for fishing: promises profit and success;
– To use worm as fish bait: ability to use even hostile forces for your own good;
– To see tapeworm, or even have tapeworms in stomach (or any other part of body): there are poor prospects for your own health and vitality;
– If young woman is dreaming, that worms crawl over her, she will tend to pay for a marriage. If she shake off worms of the animals, she will free herself from the material lethargy and lead to a good and meaningful life.

– Dreaming, that your stomach is filled with worms, which fatten themselves in it, a lot of foreigners will come to your house and endure for so long can until they drop to you a nuisance;
– General for woman: woman will go whoring and may become pregnant.
– To look at someone and his whole body is full of hungry worms, he is unwilling to grant to other people living;
– If poor man is dreaming worms, then he will come according to the amount of worms to this amount of money.
– To see: you can hope for good counsel;
– To have worms: pay attention to your health;
– Dreaming of worm-eaten wood (furniture): by secret hostility you will suffer damage.

Russian dreambook:

Worms interpretation by The Russian Dream Book

To dream about worms symbolizes an inheritance or a new acquaintance with a rich man.

The New Family dreambook:

  • If the dreamer have dreamed about worms, then the reality says that dishonest people will try to intrigue him.
  • Aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms crawling on her, will always be attached with something physical. Usually if she managed to kill or discard those worms, then in reality she will tend to the spiritual and moral values.
  • If the dreamer have used worms as bait for fish, portends that his ingenuity will help him to outwit enemies.
  • The dreamer should consider that sometimes dream about worms could be seen as a call: look after of your health!

Shuvalov dreambook:

Worms dream meaning by Shuvalov

The author says that dreaming of worms is the first sign which warns about accumulation of negative experiences, lack of balance between what is desirable and necessary. Worms in dream also can be evidence of negative effects or conflict in family and work.

Antique French dreambook:

Dream Interpretation about Worms by Old French Dream Book

Worms (mulberry silkworms):
Silkworms, that were dreamed of, mean that friends will give you a hand in difficult circumstances when you will be aming for help.

Chinese dreambook:

Meanings of worms in dreams from The Chinese Dream Book by Zhou Gong

Earthworms represents  happiness that is related to life in a village.

East women’s dreambook:

Worms dream meanings by Oriental women’s dream book

This dream foretells that the dreamer should be aware of selfish friends. If the dreamer is a young woman and the worms crawling on her, it means that she is looking to attain a material well-being. If the dreamer wipes the worms away or even kills them, then there is a possibility that she will disappoint the material side of life, and will pay attention with all of her strengths on trying to obtain particular spiritual values.

Velez dreambook:

Worm dream interpretation by Velez

Dreaming of worms – possible success in love, relationships and also the mercy which you will give to someone, especially, if being in relationships.

Miller dreambook:

Worm dream meanings by Gustavus Hindman Miller

  • To dream about worms means that you will be suffering from consequences, which will be made by dishonest people.
  • If a young woman sees in a dream that worms crawl through her – the dream suggests that her hopes and aspirations will always be associated with something physical. If she kills or throws the worms away, therefore she will be able to get rid of material significance and will be capable of concentrating into more valuable purposes such as harmony and peace on her mind.
  • If the dreamer use worms as a bait for fishing, it foretells that his or her quick thinking while dealing with past mistakes will bring him or her joy and happiness.
  • The dreamer must consider, that sometimes dreaming about worms warns about health, which might be at risk.

Tsvetkov dreambook:

Worm dream interpretation by Tsvetkov

Worm can be interpreted as:

  • Sudden death – (rare case scenario) if a lot of worms in dream were very disgustful ;
  • Beware of levity;
  • Angry friends – if worms was crawling through the grass.

Modern dreambook:

Meanings of worms in dreams by Contemporary Dream Book

  • To dream of worms means that you are awaiting for intrigues from your surroundings. Your gut tells you, that there is something about to happen very soon.
  • For a young lady to dream of worms that are crawling on her, means that the dreamer seeks to achieve a material well-being. If she swipes those worms away or destroys them, she will be disappointed at the material aspects of her life, and all of the effort will be focused on the achievement of moral and spiritual values.
  • Fish that is covered by worms means that you will have to concentrate on every detail and prepare yourself to be smart, because ingenuity of your enemies will try to make your life as a disaster.

Meneghetti dreambook:

Meanings of worms in dreams from Italian dreambook by Meneghetti

Dream about worms indicates:
Most common explanation indicates a subtle, deeply hidden negativity. Worms might symbolize negativity towards obedient, dependent, loving and kind man, which might be you. In some cases, the image of worms reveals the state of your mind that ”has been eaten” by someone or something. This feeling would be felt mostly by women, as they are the ones who suffer a lot from feelings and different emotions.

Azara dreambook:

Interpretation of dream about Worm by Azar

  • Worms (most common) – frivolity will bring you troubles;
  • Intestinal worms in dream – the joy;
  • Worms were eating the tree – damages and losses;
  • Killing the worms – escape from trouble.

Assyrian dreambook:

The Assyrian Dream Book interpretation about worms

If a person eats worms in his dream – he will achieve great success and the triumph of great honor will be waiting for him.

* Please, see also interpretation of Earth and phallus in dreams.

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